Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun

I took this shot inside the old lighthouse of Capones Island. I felt like the whole structure sizzled with the mighty sun’s rays directly pointed to its lamp.

15 Comments Add yours

  1. eof737 says:

    It’s a strong and beautiful image. Good job! 🙂


  2. nelson RN says:

    Great shot! It looked like a ring 🙂


  3. cocomino says:

    Interesting hole. Well captured. 🙂


  4. Oh, I like this! Great entry.


  5. willofheart says:

    beautiful and perfect snaps, love it….


  6. (D)OCULAR says:

    Very nice entry…the sun as a diamond.


  7. Northern Narratives says:

    Very cool. Great photo 🙂


  8. Bonnie says:

    Beautiful shot Sony! I love how you captured it peeking from behind the window. 🙂


  9. Gracie says:

    Great photo for the challenge!


  10. Arindam says:

    Great picture for this week Sony. Nicely done.


  11. Glorious! Like the Sun’s brilliant reflection, so are your words and your artistic vision of the world and all the things around you. Bro, keep pursuing your heart’s passion. It will lead you to places and people that will bring you new reasons to smile….and new adventures to make.


  12. freeclimbers says:

    being on a lighthouse is such a wonderful experience. Nice shot! By the way, why I don’t receive notifications whenever you post new articles and comments though i am following your blog? Keep it up!


  13. Food Stories says:

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