Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse

As long as there are mountains to climb, flowers to osculate, beaches to frolick on, rivers to cross, sunsets to watch, sunrises to catch, trees to hug, deserts to tread, escarpments to lay eyes on, historical caverns to feel, places less traveled by, little wonders to magnify, and anything mundane or extraordinary that attracts the optical organs….my muse will continue to sail.

Mayon Volcano

The Playground of Demigods and Nephilims

A Glimpse of Kennon's Scenic Views

Weekly Photo Challenge: Zigzag

photo 1

Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring


The Flowers, The Greens, and The Bees


Urban Spelunking (First Episode: Water & Fire)

photo 2 (2)

First Taste of a Virgin Beach


Bagolatao Trilogy’s Part 1: Basking in Natural Scenery


Embraced by the Labyrinth’s Trail of Mount Marami


The Camel Corral in the Desert


The Exhibit Archive

photo 2 (5)

The Place Less Traveled By Tourists in the North

Little Wonder in Washington Syccip Park

Little Wonders Series’ First Episode


A Perfect Estival Treat


What Is The Name Of This Plant?


Creating Something Beautiful Out of the Mundane


Weekly Photo Challenge: One

Applebee's Interior Light 1

I Am a Moth and So Are You!

photo 3

Heaven On A Plate


Weekly Photo Challenge: On Top


Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure!

The hours I had spent trekking mountains, dipping in seawaters, kissing flowers, crossing rivers, watching sunsets, catching sunrises, hugging trees, treading scalding deserts, laying eyes on tweiqs, experiencing exhibits archive, braving places off the beaten track, and feasting on small or colossal wonders of nature as well as in concrete jungles of a metropolis have undoubtedly fueled my muse. My convergence with nature and the citified jungles in all seasons of the year, most especially summer, has brought me ineffable raptures. The wonderful experiences do run along those places.

As long as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, there will always be new images to see and stories to share.

Related Posts

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse at impossiblebebong.wordpress.com

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse at rododovris.wordpress.com

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse at thoughtsandentanglments.wordpress.com

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse at marantophotography.wordpress.com

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse at dailypost.wordpress.com

11 Comments Add yours

  1. beeblu says:

    The world is an amazing place and the opportunities are endless. Beautiful photos.


  2. Mabel Kwong says:

    Beautiful post, Sony. And beautiful photos too, especially of the orange sky. I love the way you describe looking at the world and breaking it down. For you, the world is your muse and so long as the world keeps turning, it will be your playground. There is always so much to see, do, try and explore in this world, nature, landscape and culture wise.


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Thank you, Mabel. You always have a way of letting me see how I should have said the words better.

      I really appreciate your words. What would I do without you?


      1. Mabel Kwong says:

        No, Sony. Thank you for a wonderful piece of writing. You always hit home your points through such vivid imagery and descriptions. It would be an honour to meet you some day.


      2. Sony Fugaban says:

        Thank you, Mabel. Still, you are such a mentor to me. Your diction and the way the words flow on your every post are just wrapped with so much grace. It will probably take a lifetime before I get anywhere near there.


      3. Mabel Kwong says:

        What a poetic compliment, Sony :’) Thank you.


      4. Sony Fugaban says:

        The pleasure is mine, Mabel!

        Liked by 1 person

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