My Chunk of Extreme Sports At The Best Cable Park In The World

One of the things that I dreamt to accomplish is to experience just one of the various extreme sports man has known today. The adventuresome spirit that possessed my wandering feet a long time ago has gone a long way that such inclination comes natural since then. I just thought that I should do one extreme sport while I’m at my peak.

So, when my then girlfriend (now wife) invited me to spend my Hallowmas to their beautiful province four years ago, at the best cable park in the world (Camarines Sur Watersports Complex or CWC) at the town of Cadlan, I gave in right away! The reason is that long before I learned about her proposition, I had already known about wakeboarding at CWC through Sports Unlimited on TV.

Before I might mislead you with what you will saw in the featured photo, let me explain why that’s no wakeboarding but kneeboarding. Well, I didn’t know that kneeboarding is a precursor or training course for those who want to do wakeboarding. This is so because your center of gravity is very low when you are standing on your knees and the human body offers less scope for wind resistance to affect one’s surfing, according to the trainers. Further, it may be hard to believe but according to what I researched on this subject, standing on your knees gives you more maneuverability and makes it easier to handle the board. Hence, using kneeboards is the best way to get introduced to the water sport of wakeboarding.

“Wakeboarding was created from a combination of water skiing, snow boarding and surfing techniques. Instead of using skis, the rider rides a single board with stationary non-release bindings for each foot, standing sideways. Wakeboarding, besides being one of the world’s fastest growing sports, is now gradually being recognized globally”(

On the one hand, although using kneeboards is recommended for beginners, this does not mean that kneeboarding is just a training course for wakeboarding enthusiasts. Rather, it is a full fledged sport in its own right. It has its own set of rules to be followed and has its own set of tricks to be performed by the kneeboarding enthusiasts.

“Kneeboarding is an aquatic sport where the participant is towed on a buoyant, convex, and hydrodynamically-shaped board at a planing speed behind a motorboat or cable. In the usual configuration of a towsport kneeboard, the rider sits on his heels on the board, and secures himself to the deck with an adjustable strap. As in wakeboarding or water skiing, the rider hangs onto a tow-rope”(

But let me tell you this, it’s not as easy as I thought it is based on what I said earlier. In the first place, it wasn’t called extreme sport for nothing.

The experience of doing it last 01 November 2007, together with my then significant other (who served as photographer since she somehow suffered from aquaphobia that time), a friend of mine (Heartly) and his girlfriend (Jing), proved it’s, indeed, NO duck soup.

Once I stepped onto the rotomolded board, with my knees to my chest in a squatting position, my heart was pounding like I was facing death. Good thing the so-called adrenaline rush took over by the time the cable pulled me to the water. I’ve never felt so alive after that! … Of course, I also wiped out a million times before I finally got the hang of it.

We were lucky the CWC manager, Reuben Buchanan, who happens to be a world-class wakerboarder placing second in the Australian nationals (2004 and 2005), was there to give me and my companions a hands-on training during the afternoon when I decided to kneeboard again. The guy’s words are a mouthful; I couldn’t help but feel motivated to do this extreme sport again and again.

So remember this in case you get there for the same reason: Don’t think twice to approach Mr. Buchanan because he will sure help you.

Before we left CWC, I had the opportunity to get a photo of the breathtaking rainbow’s tail using my late LG camera phone.

Truly, I enjoyed every bit of my stay in CWC not only because of fulfilling the dream of doing an extreme sport or the world-class facilities it has but moreso because of the beautiful landscapes around (e.g. the glimpse of Mount Isarog which is supposed to be standing imperially at the background of the photo below) and its accommodating people.


The Camarines Sur Watersports Complext (CWC) is, undoubtedly, the best Cable Park in the world!

For more information like accommodations, tour packages, rates, rental fees, and other amenities (e.g. EcoVillage – An Eco Tourism Showcase, Clubhouse Restaurant & Bar, Cabana, Swimming Pool, Game Room, and Massage Parlors), please visit this website:

PS: iPhone 2G, GE X5 and LG Camera Phone

27 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh my frustration Sony, I don’t know how to swim.

    That adrenalin rush looks cooool & hot!


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      It certainly is, Jon! Btw, it’s not a problem if you don’t know how to swim. There are plenty of life vests there.


  2. Northern Narratives says:

    How great that you got to experience an extreme sport!


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Yup. It may be lame to exaggerate what I felt towards the chance (to experience an extreme sport), but that’s just how it was. Thanks for the support! 🙂


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Salamat sa pag-share ng link! I’ve read the post and I liked it.


  3. aRVee says:

    Wow, what an experience. I have heard so much good about Cam Sur. You’re lucky you’re near there. 🙂


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Just like Mandaue, CamSur is also teeming with beautiful places.


      1. aRVee says:

        Haha, thanks and I agree. I love my place too and so do yours 🙂


  4. rastelly says:

    You have actually gone much further into
    the watersport world then anyone I know
    personally. Kneeboarding sounds like it
    comes pretty close to waterskiing – being
    towed behind a boat that is. At first I thought
    you were talking about ziplines, which is some
    thing I’ve always thought looked like fun.
    Then I thought it was a kind of surfing, but
    you mentioned being towed behind a boat.
    Kneeboarding doesn’t sound all that entry
    level to me, being towed behind a boat in
    an innertube is probably what I’d start off
    with. I admire your guts. As for surfing, most
    anyone can Boogie Board – except me, I try
    though. (Boogie Board – a small platform
    you throw into the surf – then chase and
    jump on to – if it works you hydroplane for
    20 or thirty feet. The wipeouts are pretty
    spectacular for something that supposed
    to a beginners sport – or perhaps it is
    less of a sport a more a form of Slapstick


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      I enjoyed reading about that Boogie Board. I even consulted google to acquaint myself more about it. Thanks for making me feel more proud and for taking time to share a piece of your mind here. I appreciate that!


  5. Awesome Sony! That must have been lots of fun! I have never tried kneeboarding, but I have tried waterskiing and loved it! It really is an exhilarating experience. I think that it would be fun to try kneeboarding too. Also, that’s pretty cool that you had a wakeboarding champion to provide some hands-on training. That looks like a great place to visit. By the way, the photos look great. Those landscapes in the background are stunningly gorgeous. The rainbow is breathtaking. 🙂


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Like I said, I never felt soooooo alive after the experience. It’s one of the best experiences I have ever had. Thanks for the beautiful words, Donna! And, for letting me know how much of an adrenaline junkie you are too — for doing waterskiing. Kudos to that!


  6. ramoncito17 says:

    Hey Sony, that looks like a lot of fun and the price is quite attractive too! It was great to read of your experiences and I am sure you had a great time. Cheers!


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Ramon, I am glad to see you here. I am hoping to see more of your pieces of work in the following days. Welcome back and thank you for the visit!


  7. Do what excites you and makes you happy while you are young and able. Chances like this comes rarely and I’m glad you are enjoying life and adventure as we all should be. I wish I did stuff like this when I was in my 20’s even early 30’s….perhaps it may not be too late for less extreme sports….
    That was some amazing thrill, thanks for sharing them. I enjoy anything that involves the water. My wife asked me a few days ago, “why don’t you surf since you love the sea?” I replied, “well, I need to make sure I can swim at sea first.” I don’t really see surfers wearing vest. For now I’m happy visiting the beach and venturing it’s safer activities. Happy Holidays my friend. I wish for you and your family all the best this Christmas.


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      I think you can swim very well! I’ve seen you with your surf board one time and I am pretty sure your one great surfer or swimmer. I admire you for your cautiousness though. It’s the wiser choice I must say.


  8. jakesprinter says:

    What a great and beautiful place for vacation, complete commodity … Nice post Sonny 🙂


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      I appreciate that, Sir Jake! CamSur is, beyong question, a beautiful province.


  9. nelsonRN says:

    That’s a wow, Sony! I’ve been planning to visit this place for quite a while (my mom is originally from Cam Sur). I’d like to try extreme sports too! Thanks for sharing your experiences!


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      The pleasure is mine, Nelson. Oh, I’m glad to know that your mother is a Bicolana. Malamang nakuha mo ang pagiging malambing niya.


  10. john tugano says:

    Wow I also wanted to experience that bro.hehehe..I envy how outgoing you are.You’ve got lots of hobby that entails strength..Napaka adventurous mo.hehehe..Btw sana makarating din ako sa Cam sur,neighboring province lang namin yan..I’m back bro..=)


    1. Sony Fugaban says:

      Ikaw talaga oh. You should really go there anytime soon. You have no idea what you’re missing. Hehe …


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